Kadastr yo`nalishi
Ko‘chmas mulk bo‘yicha kadastr muhandislarini malaka imtihonidan o‘tkazishda test savollari to‘plami
14.02.2023Information on the number of real estate objects belonging to individuals and legal entities and their state registration
14.12.2022Information on the number of real estate owned by individuals and legal entities and their state registration
23.08.2022Universal report on processes in the automated information system "YERELEKTRON"
23.08.2022Kadastr agentligi Hay'ati yig‘ilishining bayoni
08.08.2022Entrepreneurship and Urban Development
19.07.2022Information on reforms carried out in the field of cadastre, including work on ensuring openness
01.03.2022Kadastr agenligiga Prezident virtual qabulxonasi, Bosh vazir va Bosh Prokuratura qabulxonasi hamda boshqa vazirlik va idoralardan kelib tushgan murojaatlar hisobiti 01-01-2022-yil holatiga